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Off Again On Again: Another JSB Original which has inspired many variations by well-known magicians. The effect is simple and ultra-clean: The Ring is threaded on, even by a spectator, if you like.Format File: [1 DVD – VOBs – NTSC] File Size: 7.750 GB
Jay Scott Berry – Penguin Live Lecture – 30 Mar 2014
JSB Topit Mastery
Arguably the most powerful single utility device out there, the Topit has remained in the shadow regions of the Art for far too long. This is partly due the risk factor and unnatural movements associated with the earlier, more primitive, designs. All this has changed with the new techniques and Topit design pioneered by Jay Scott Berry.
Jay is widely recognized as the best in the world with the Topit and his innovative design. The all-new JSB Topit system has been created in real world performance conditions. The sealed pocket design allows for accuracy rates well above 99%. That’s with coins, cards, balls, gimmicks and more! The Topit itself is made from heavy-duty black satin and can easily be installed and even moved from jacket to jacket. Once installed, it connects and disconnect in seconds, without safety pins, magnets or long flaps to tuck in. This incredible device is the icing on the cake that will launch your magic to a whole new level. Jay will perform and teach over a dozen effects with the JS Topit System:
1. The Basic Coin Vanish: As clean as magic gets. A silver dollar sized coin is freely shown, sleeves are rolled up and, without any false, tell-tale moves, it vanishes, without a trace. This can even be done close-up and surrounded.
2. Coin Vanish #2: An ultra-clean variation, which will astound young and old alike. Once again, sleeves are rolled up, the coin is shown and gently tossed out to a spectator. By all appearances, it actually dissolves in mid-air! Both hands are immediately shown unmistakably empty.
3. Coin Vanish #3: Another mind-blowing vanish at the fingertips. Sleeves rolled up, the coin is tossed from hand to hand. Without any unnatural moves, it simply disappears.
4. Spectacular: How about a pair of glasses or sunglasses? No problem! This is an effect that Jay has been doing for years in all sorts of conditions. The glasses are freely shown, and, as you clean them with a scarf, they simply vanish without a trace.
5. Silk Vanish: Applying these same techniques, Jay will perform and carefully explain some of the cleanest silk vanishes ever! Using a number of different silks and streamers, he will show how you can make them completely disappear, right before the eyes of the audience.
6. Ball Vanishes and more: Jay will also perform and explain how these innovative techniques apply to any small object, from balls, dice, rings, salt shakers and more!
Get immediately download Jay Scott Berry – Penguin Live Lecture – 30 Mar 2014
Thumbtip Mastery
Another utility device that Jay has taken to a whole new level. His innovative, ultra-clean, techniques will not only astound, but will quite likely give you a completely new perspective on this well-known gimmick. Jay regularly fools magicians and laypeople alike with numerous effects using original techniques that have been developed for real-world, hard-core performing conditions. After seeing this, you will what most magic insiders agree upon – that Jay Scott Berry is quite possibly the best TT handler in the world today.
1. Basic Handling: Starting with classic Thumbtip methods, Jay will perform and carefully explain the deceptive handling, steals and transfers that are the cornerstone to his whole approach the TT. His psychology and practical thinking is nothing short of revolutionary and turns traditional TT thinking upside down.
2. Basic Silk Vanish and Production: Amazingly, this basic effect has become one of Jay’s most performed signature pieces. From close-up strolling to small stage, even completely surrounded, he leaves audiences dumbfounded. An 18” Diamond Silk is freely shown, hands otherwise empty.y. Sleeves are rolled up and the silk is pushed into the fist. As clean as can be, it vanishes! Both hands are shown, (without any traditional tell-tale TT moves!) and the silk is reproduced. This effect instantly resets and can be performed repeatedly.Jay’s progressive thinking on this classic routine is a complete game changer, which eliminates the traditional weaknesses while maximizing the strength of the illusion.
3. Eclipse Tip Effects: Over 30 years ago, Jay developed this modified TT, which opens the door into a new world of effects and possibilities. He will explain the gimmick, perform a number of effects, such as Color Changing Silks, Appearing and Vanishing Spongeballs and even transformation effects such as Silk to Spongeball and back again.
The Sanada Gimmick
25 years ago, the Finger shell, one of the oldest gimmicks in magic was re-released by Japanese magician, Sanada. Not long afterwards, Jay began working with it. As with everything he focuses on, Jay spent years, working diligently to carefully re-engineering it, minimizing the weaknesses with maximizing the strengths. In this exclusive session, he will start with the basic Sanada gimmick and show how to cut it to fit your hand and reinforce it so that it will last for many years and hundreds of shows. Jay will then show the basic handling and techniques that even Sanada himself says are the finest handling of the gimmick he’s ever seen. There are only a handful of magicians that are really working with this gimmick. Here’s your chance to learn from the best.
The Cloaking Device
One of 2 revolutionary variations on the Finger shell that Jay developed 15 years ago is considered by many working pros as the most powerful of all utility devices. Jay will perform and explain the effects and techniques that he uses in almost every show. Starting with the basic steals and handling, he will walk you step-by-step into a full understanding of this incredible gimmick.
1. The Vortex Streamer Production: Another mind-blowing Signature effect from Jay Scott Berry. From empty hands, Jay will produce a 6’ rainbow streamer! He will go into great detail into his ultra-clean methods for this original effect. These include properly loading the silk, pre-setting, stealing and ditching the gimmick.
2. The Lightning Switch: The Classic Bill switch outdone! Most who have seen this agree that it is cleanest and most convincing bill switch ever. Out with the TT and in with The Cloaking Device. You can change a bill into a 0, a blank paper into money, a bill into 2 ’s and a bill inside out. Jay will perform and explain step-by-step, even revealing for the first time ever, how to perform a double switch with a single gimmick!
3. Cut and Restored Ribbon: Yet another original signature routine that is as it gets. A length of satin ribbon is handed out for inspection. The hands are unmistakably empty as it is cut into multiple pieces, each which may be handed out as well. These are gathered together and miraculously restored. At the end, the ribbon is passed out and the hands are absolutely empty.
The FS/2 Gimmick
Get immediately download Jay Scott Berry – Penguin Live Lecture – 30 Mar 2014
This versatile utility device is the 2nd variation on the Finger Shell that Jay works with on a regular basis. It can be used in many stand-alone applications or in tandem with The Cloaking Device. The handling is similar but the effects that can be created with it are varied and quite different. As with everything in the lecture, Jay will guide you carefully from the basic handling to full routines.
1. Instant Color Change: Quite possibly the fastest and cleanest color changing ball effect ever! A single spongeball is shown and handed out, if you like. With the wave of the hand, it instantly changes colors. It is freely shown, hand-to-hand and, without any false moves, changes back. That can be repeated as often as you like.
2. The Mirage Production: Another JSB original – From empty hands, a 6 foot streamer is instantly produced. This method is completely different than the Vortex Streamer Production and, therefore, can be used in the same routine quite effectively. In fact, that’s exactly with Jay will perform before explaining it. He will also show a few amazing variations, including producing the streamer from a transparent glass!
3. The Immaculate Transformation: This is one of those rare effects that sets a whole new standard in live prestidigitation. Looking like something you would only see on TV, it can be performed within inches of the audience yet holds up just as well on stage. What the audience sees is nothing short of miraculous: A spongeball is freely shown and examined. It is held between the fingers and instantly transforms into a silk or ribbon of the same color. Both hands are immediately shown without any false or unnatural moves.
The Ring and Ribbon
Jay is widely acknowledged as one of, if not the finest Ring and Ribbon worker alive today. This routine is why. The False Thread alone is worth the price of the whole lecture! The moves and variations that Jay will show, apply in multiple, real world situations, from improvisational, street, close-up and stage. This is pure sleight-of-hand mastery at its best.
1. The Vanishing Knot: This is the effect that Jay typically uses to open his routine yet works just as well as a stand-alone vanishing knot for string, ribbon or rope. A knot is tied slowly and deliberately and then dissolves in the blink of an eye. This is so deceptive that it can be performed multiple times, even surrounded.
2. Knot to Ring Production: Following on from The Vanishing Knot, the ribbon is, once again, slowly tied. This time, however, a solid ring appears as the knot disappears! Both are immediately handed out for examination. Jay will even show a variation on this where the ring appears tied in the knot itself.
3. The Master False Thread: This is the move that most agree is the single best false thread ever developed. It works for rings of all sizes from small finger rings to large bracelets. It is so clean that it can be shown numerous times, even surrounded, without any hint of what is actually happening. From the audience’s point of view, this pure magic: The ring is threaded on the ribbon and dissolves off. No false moves and 100% convincing. Jay will perform and demonstrate a number of variations on this move including different display moves that apply to different sized rings.
4. Clifton’s Ring Move: There are very few magicians that perform this now classic move that can say that they learned it from Clifton himself. Jay is one of them. He will perform a few different versions of this vanishing and re-appearing ring. In explaining it, he will also talk about how many do it wrong and end up exposing the method.
5. Off Again On Again: Another JSB Original which has inspired many variations by well-known magicians. The effect is simple and ultra-clean: The Ring is threaded on, even by a spectator, if you like. Without any false moves, it is then magically freed from the ribbon. As if that isn’t enough, with a gentle toss, it penetrates the ribbon and ends up re-threaded. At the end, everything is examined.
6. Off in Hand: Created by Ray Grismer and made famous by JSB! This amazing effect works perfectly well as part of a larger routine or simply as a stand-alone mind-bender. The Ring is clearly threaded on the ribbon and both the ends and the ribbon are slowly placed in the spectator’s hands. All it takes is a tug and the ring comes off, in their hands! Jay will go in-depth with this effect, showing all the nuances that he learned from Ray as well as additional elements that he has developed over thousands of performances.
7. The Spinning Grand Finale: This JSB original effect is, quite simply, one of the single most surprising effects you will ever see! The ring is freely shown and the spun on the table. With a simple sweeping motion, the ring jumps onto the ribbon. This all happens in the blink of an eye and everything can be instantly examined. In addition to performance, Jay will give step-by-step explanations of the methods and nuances of this extraordinary effect.
Get immediately download Jay Scott Berry – Penguin Live Lecture – 30 Mar 2014
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes