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I’ve been working out fairly regularly for years and am in pretty good shape by most people’s standards but am getting huge benefits from Elements. I can basically hang
GMB – Elements
No Equipment
Clear Instruction
Balanced Training
We designed this program to be the perfect introduction to GMB, for both beginners and anyone transitioning from a more traditional training background.
_x0001F937_♂️ IS ELEMENTS FOR ME?
Since Elements strengthens your body’s foundation, people get great results at virtually any skill level:
- Just getting started or rebooting your fitness? Elements is everything you need to build a healthy body that moves how you want. More strength, fewer restrictions.
- Already pretty strong? Add Elements to your routine for improved mobility and movement skill alongside CrossFit, martial arts, or other training.
_x0001F529_ NUTS & BOLTS
Elements is an online program you can access on your own schedule. Each day of training is clearly organized with expert video instruction, so you always know exactly what to do. Here are some helpful details:
- Training Schedule: You get 8 weeks of structured programming, with 4 sessions each week. Clients usually set aside 30–45 minutes per session.
- Lifetime Access: Once you get Elements it’s yours for life, so you can go at your own pace and revisit the program as many times as you want.
- Equipment: None. No weights, bars or anything. You can do Elements anywhere that has a little open floor space.
Over 39,819 clients have used Elements to rebuild their movement foundations:
- Justin is the strongest he’s been in over 10 years of exercise, and can finally sleep without shoulder pain.
- Amanda rebuilt her upper body strength and improved her handstand.
- Christian’s deep squat became “effortless” and his shoulders are moving better than ever.
I saw some comments on a Reddit thread at one point about it being too basic, but after having gone through it myself I’d bet money that those people saying it was too basic would have changed their tune if they’d stuck with it for the first couple of weeks.
I’ve been working out fairly regularly for years and am in pretty good shape by most people’s standards but am getting huge benefits from Elements. I can basically hang out in a deep squat now, forward folds are easy, I can now briefly hold an unsupported handstand solely due to the high frogger and monkey. The funny thing about it is that you guys bill it as an introductory program, but I think almost anyone could benefit.
The Three Elements of Physical Autonomy
If you’ve ever watched a talented athlete and envied their abilities, you know it’s a combination of factors that leads to that kind of performance. But when you start training, you can easily get stuck fixating on just a small piece of the puzzle.
Sometimes, it’s the quest for maximal strength. Others, it’s the strict adherence to a system of skill progressions that lead towards a particular goal. Either way, you’ll eventually get stuck unless you address the right combination of abilities.
The truth is that any skill you may want to do with your body is made up of three components: strength, flexibility, and motor control.

For real-world movement ability you can rely on, it’s important to develop strength in all directions and even in unusual positions.
Flexibility & Mobility
Fewer restrictions in your ranges of motion means you can move with grace and ease.
Control is your ability to direct your body’s capabilities and have it respond like a finely-tuned machine to your needs and wishes.
A lot of programs will make you stronger. Some will improve your flexibility. A handful will build your skills progressively.
But what we’ve learned from working with tens of thousands of people around the world is that, if you lack in any one of these three elements, eventually you WILL get stuck – no matter what program you follow.
Elements is designed to fix that using our “AAA” training framework.
Get Unstuck By Fixing Your Weakest Links
We developed our AAA Framework to ensure you spend your limited training time on the areas you need to improve most. Here’s how it works:
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Weeks 1 & 2
Step 1: Assess Your Abilities
During Weeks 1 & 2, you’ll learn the basic movement patterns while testing your current levels of strength, flexibility, and control.

Weeks 3-6
Step 2: Address Your Weaknesses
Weeks 3 – 6 assign specific movement variations, transitions, and circuit training to strengthen your weakest links as efficiently as possible..

Weeks 7 & 8
Step 3: Apply Your Skills
Weeks 7 and 8, bring you both towards a challenging and refinement of your abilities as you complete the program with all of the variations, flows, and circuits.
The AAA Framework is deceptively simple. It seems like “common sense,” but once you spend time looking at how most people train, you’ll see it’s anything but. Most programs are based on generalized assumptions about what you should practice.
Since weaknesses are never identified, they can’t be adequately addressed in the training. Instead, you end up practicing exercises and skills the trainer naturally excels at. It’s truly a case of “guru knows best,” which only works for people who have the same natural abilities.
We designed Elements around three core moves that give you the specific physical attributes you need for a stronger and more responsive body that can move with fluid agility and absolute freedom in any situation.
The 3 Core Movement Patterns
“Animal movements” are found in the dance and martial traditions of almost every culture. Though there are thousands of variations, we’ve selected three that provide a solid base for almost any skill.

The Bear builds strength and stability through the arms and shoulders while stretching the hamstrings and upper torso. You’ll get familiar with several variations that emphasize strength and control in different areas.

The Monkey is a deep lateral move that opens the hips through repeated squat transitions. As you build balance and control, you’ll find your legs can reach upward, forming the basis for cartwheels and other tumbling skills.

The Frogger is also squat-intensive but places more forward pressure on the arms and shoulders. As your trunk gets stronger, your hips are able to lift higher towards handstands and other inverted skills.
I tried the home programs that everybody knows about, and I was just bored to tears. And I tried Crossfit and that was okay, but it took up all my free time.
But I did Elements, and it was the first program I’d ever in my life just gone start to finish. I felt myself getting stronger. My back pain started to go away. My squat got better. The flexibility was coming without me really having to work on it directly. It’s magic. The movements are tough, but they don’t feel as tough as they should be for the gains that you get, if that makes sense, because it’s so much more fun.
When my kids are around I say, “Let’s do some exercises.” You can do it no matter who you are, where you are, what your situation is.
Expand What Your Body Can Do
Getting “good” at Bear, Monkey, and Frogger isn’t the point. It’s how these movements help you build the capabilities you want, loosen your restrictions, and open up new ways to move. Here’s some of what Elements will help you with:

A. Improve mobility in hips and back, and fix back pain: “About halfway through Elements, a nagging lower back pain I lived with for years was suddenly gone.” –Sandi York, Buffalo, NY
B. Stronger, more stable and pain-free shoulders: “Working through Elements has helped me develop stability and range of motion with my shoulder that I never thought I’d regain.” –Rob Arthur, Raleigh, NC
C. Deeper, stronger squats: “Getting into deep squats feels effortless now, even without a long warm-up or spending hours per week foam rolling.” –Christian Ampania, Sacramento, CA
D. Flexible, strong wrists that can take a beating: “I’ve been doing these exercises on a daily basis for at least a month and have seen my nagging wrist issues vanish! I can do stuff like push-ups without pain. Hurray!” –Eric B., California
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E. Improved flexibility through your hamstrings and ankles: “By continually working these movements, I have improved my hamstring flexibility and control.” –Jodi, Australia
F. Move in ways you never thought possible: “For the first time in my life, I go to the gym to play. To explore the limitations of my mind and body and it is exhilarating.” –Justin Hepler, Scottsdale, AZ
Intuitive Course Format & Fantastic Support Take the Guesswork Out of Effective Training
Knowing how to coach an athlete is great, but one thing we take pride in at GMB is quality teaching. In addition to coaching thousands of athletes in person, we have the technical skills to deliver that experience online.
Expert Instruction
Crystal clear video and detailed text describe every exercise
Regressions and variations let you find your own level
Every day and week is planned in detail with extensive explanations and FAQs

Easy to Follow
Works on any desktop or mobile internet device
All tutorials are downloadable
Printable charts detail each day’s training plan
Our coaches and support team are always just a click away
Everything is clearly organized so you’ll know exactly what to do each day. You shouldn’t have to spend your time searching forums and old blog posts to figure out how to use your program, so we’ve included everything you need to make Elements easy to follow.
Join 39,819 clients who have gained Physical Autonomy with Elements:
Never in my life have I seen such vast improvement in health and fitness as I have working on your Elements program. I have worked out consistently for the last ten years and I love to workout, but it has always been an expectation either imposed by others or of my own creation. For the first time in my life, I go to the gym to play. To explore the limitations of my mind and body and it is exhilarating. I want to go, to play, to flow, to move.
Over the last decade I have had my left shoulder rebuilt, multiple herniations of my lumbar spine and even a broken neck, and today I am stronger than I have ever been. My wrists are flexible now, I can sleep on my left shoulder without pain, and my lower back is loose and free to move. It is incredible. My usable strength has increased so tremendously it’s astounding. I am amazed by your programs and what they do. I am living proof that they work and I am truly humbled.
Since we have been utilising these movements, I have noticed greater range of motion and flexibility in other movements and activities I perform inside and outside of the gym. These 3 moves and their endless variations add an element of fun to training.
When I first started I was challenged with getting the coordination – especially the bear because I had tight hamstrings and my brain wouldn’t allow me to move opposite arm and opposite leg. But by continually working these movements, I have improved my hamstring flexibility and control.
Elements will help you move better, guaranteed.
After the first four weeks, if you’re not moving and feeling measurably, noticeably better, we don’t want your money. Send us an email, and we’ll give you a full refund that you can put towards a gym membership or a weight set. You can see all the details here.
After years of training like a powerlifter, I developed neck and shoulder pain. My hips, hamstrings, and calves have felt tight for as long as I can remember, and I had terrible mobility through my shoulders and upper back as well. I wanted to improve my overall mobility and body control and build the foundation for more complex skills down the road. Essentially, I wanted to become the master of my body.
I’m AMAZED at how much my active mobility has improved in just 3 weeks of Elements. I no longer have chronic tension in my neck; my shoulders move better-than-ever (no more popping or clicking when I do shoulder circles); and getting into deep squats feel effortless now (even without a long warm-up or spending hours per week “foam rolling”). I feel so much more in control of my body, and feel like my body has a lot more options for moving around now. It’s incredibly fun to “explore” those movement options and just play!
I have a cyst in my wrist that can be very restrictive for everything I’m doing. I also have an impingement in my shoulder from so many years of volleyball. I do not let these injuries hold me back, however I know that in the long run if I don’t work to improve them I will not be able to do these things that I love.
I am on week 5 of Elements and the flow is starting to begin. I have already noticed my flexibility increasing and my wrist strengthening. I can’t wait to keep at it, and I know that everything I’m doing with GMB will help to improve my yoga, rock climbing, snowboarding, and all of the activities I love.
Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve also taken the liberty of including the answers here, since the questions aren’t very enlightening on their own _x0001F609_
Free Updates
Every few months, we update all of our programs based on client feedback and new things we’ve learned. You’ll never have to pay for the most recent version.
Lifetime Access
You’ll never lose access to your programs. If you have to take time off, pick right back up where you started. Your training materials are always available.
Brilliant Support
If you ever get stuck or need help, you can easily send a message and get expert support from one of our coaches. We’re here to help.
What equipment is required?
Is Elements a good program for women?
Absolutely. The program is great for women and men. We’ve had loads of badass ladies go through Elements and find that the program helps them to feel and move better.
Am I too old? Too fat? Too inexperienced?
Probably not. Elements is our most accessible program for any age or fitness level. Every exercise is broken down and clearly explained at multiple difficulty levels.
Can I combine Elements with other training programs?
If you’ve been training consistently for at least a year, you can add Elements by reducing the volume of your regular training. If you’re starting out, please just pick one.
Will I build muscle?
Yes, but don’t expect to get “jacked” with Elements. You may notice bigger arms and shoulders, but you’ll feel stronger all over.
What moves will I learn?
Elements is focused on the bear, monkey, and frogger movements, but there are variations of each tying into moves such as cartwheels and handstands.
How long do the workouts take?
It depends on the day, but you won’t need to spend more than 45 minutes on any session unless you’re just having too much fun to stop.
How will this help me with (your sport)?
Elements shores up your weak points and improves your agility, which means better performance in all your physical activities.
The greatest benefits that I get from bear crawls is reflexive strength and coordination between the shoulders and hips. I like how it can be an explosive exercise for endurance and lower intensity exercise for flexibility/mobility and lengthening of the muscles.
Monkey and Frogger definitely force my hips into a deeper squat which I feel gives me more range of motion and flexibility. It has also built up my upper body strength which has prepared my body for other movements such as handstands!
Overall, these movements help me stay agile and limber for everyday activities.
Here’s What You’ll Get in GMB – Elements
GMB – Elements : Sample
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes