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For most of us, it is not possible to engage in a long apprenticeship in remote forests or on mountain tops. Families and finances dictate that you can, at best, travel for a short period of time to work with shamans in their natural environment.
don Oscar Miro-Quesada – Path of the Universal Shaman Advanced Intensive
An unprecedented opportunity to develop your ability to use powerful shamanic tools in order to embody the inner transformation that unifies heaven and Earth…
Be prepared to profoundly awaken your heart, expand your mind, savor the divinity within all things — and advance on your journey as an agent of healing.
You have likely heard the prophecies of this time as ones in which the ancient wisdom of our indigenous brothers and sisters comes into harmonious relationship with Western cultures and begins to create the deeper Shift of the ages.
You feel the truth in this, as well as the healing potential.
You sense in your heart the great awakening power that indigenous shamanic traditions offer. You may have witnessed the humble, but powerful, presence of shamans.
You may have read the stories of their remarkable healing abilities. Perhaps you’ve even begun to study the practices for accessing other realms of consciousness for healing, divination and guidance.
The question is: How do you go beyond deep appreciation and become a full apprentice to the power of these traditions? How can you apply their healing wisdom, not only for your own life, but for those in your community — and our extended family of fellow Earth citizens?
Bringing Shamanic Wisdom
to Your Modern Life
For most of us, it is not possible to engage in a long apprenticeship in remote forests or on mountain tops. Families and finances dictate that you can, at best, travel for a short period of time to work with shamans in their natural environment.
A weekend intensive may open you to the power of shamanic consciousness, but it’s in the long-term development of practices that shamanism really proves its worth on every level.
That is why we have created a virtual training, designed to be completed over eight months, with one of the most beloved and respected Peruvian curanderos, don Oscar Miro-Quesada. don Oscar will be offering a powerful journey into the heart and soul of his Peruvian Pachakuti lineage, which offers a particularly powerful vision for our times — one that spans from cosmic understandings to specific personal healing practices.
He’ll also be showing how this lineage links with the work he has done with indigenous leaders globally to harvest the most useful practices for the modern world, which he calls “Universal Shamanism.”
Becoming a Universal Shaman is not a quick or easy path. It is truly a calling from Spirit to serve in a unique way, and often requires years of apprenticeship.
However, it is not necessary to walk the path for your entire life in order to receive profound benefit from the teachings and practices. You can be blessed, opened, healed and initiated in a virtual course of study and practice that takes you into living, breathing shamanic reality through the use of universal shamanic tools.
The Path of the Universal Shaman Advanced Intensive offers an in-depth program of study and practice that allows you to deeply understand the shamanic worldview, expand your ability to shift into shamanic consciousness and activate the healing power of many tools in your life.
It is a highly experiential program in which you will be an active co-creator of sacred ritual spaces. It will go beyond inspiration into the teaching of specific shamanic skills that you can practice for a lifetime.
The Advanced Intensive is appropriate for seekers of authentic spiritual wisdom everywhere, and especially relevant for those who feel called to the healing arts. Learning to work with dreams, power objects, divination, ancestors and animal allies is relevant and important for you to understand — even when you are working in a more conventional context. The multi-dimensional aspects of shamanic practice can inform how you can best work with others.
Get immediately download don Oscar Miro-Quesada – Path of the Universal Shaman Advanced Intensive
How to Access Your Power as a
Universal Shaman
At the root of the Advanced Intensive is the recognition that it is time to take shamans off a pedestal and understand that those same skills and qualities of being are available to YOU. You have, within you, seemingly miraculous powers and the same reverence that illuminates these beloved elders and visionaries.
And you can evoke these capacities in your life through the journey of becoming a Universal Shaman: one committed to the ONENESS of humanity and the healing of all the ancient rifts to restore wholeness.
While modern spiritual traditions each have their wisdom and beauty, our more ancient shamanic traditions have withstood the test of millennia — to give us access to the mystical dimensions of life, and live in a more harmonious way with ourselves and all our relations.
They speak a language of prayer and guidance, harmony and heart that is a balm for our modern souls — which are too often caught up in 24/7 activity and high-tech buzz.
As you develop the skills of a Universal Shaman, you will develop a profound ability to pierce the veil of reality, discover the hidden dimensions between the worlds — and then gather information and the support of unseen forces to restore health and vitality in your body and our communities.
You also expand your ability to connect with plant and animal allies and create rituals that re-weave the human family together.
By apprenticing in this virtual way with a shamanic lineage, you’ll begin to carry essential medicine for the 21st century — a time in which we are now called to form a global community of peace and shared understanding.
You will, in short, expand your abilities as a healer, both in your personal life and the lives of your community members.
You Have a Role in Fulfilling the
Prophecies of This Era
Universal Shamanism offers a profound way to gain access to many indigenous lineages. In recent years, shamans and healers from different traditions are working together and recognizing a common core of understanding about life and how to live in a sacred way — an indigenous curriculum for human transformation.
The ancient prophecies of the reunification of Eagle and Condor speak to this meeting: Tribes from north to south, and east to west, are sharing their ancient wisdoms and finding their common vision. Groups such as The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers are emerging that speak to the shared heart, intent and spirit of peoples around the world.
Quite simply, it is time for the emergence of universal shamans who draw from ancient roots of many cultures — and who can express the truth of ONE HUMANITY in new ways.
You don’t need to have native blood to be a Universal Shaman. All you need is the spirit of humility, reverence and an openness to learn the ancient ways — and apply them in the modern world in service to healing our history, integrating our shadows and expressing the light at our core.
As we learn to do this, we receive the chance as a global people to learn to live in harmony and holiness with each other.
Peruvian shaman and founder of the Heart of the Healer Foundation, don Oscar Miro-Quesada has emerged as one of the leading lights — pioneering this modern, yet ancient path of Universal Shamanism.
Speaking humbly from his heart in a way that anyone can recognize as the “voice of the soul,” he creates rituals that draw from his Peruvian Pachakuti tradition and weaves in wisdom of other peoples. He teaches us how to live in new, yet ancient, ways: connected with the daily blessings of life, filled with love and committed to acts of service.
don Oscar is a respected kamasqa curandero and altomisayoq adept from Peru, and co-author of Lessons in Courage: Peruvian Shamanic Wisdom for Everyday Life.
His advanced studies in modern psychology have given him the tools to understand the common threads of shamanic teachings and weave them into an integrated framework for our times. He has worked with luminaries such as Barbara Marx Hubbard to blend ancient traditions with modern evolutionary understandings — to create a holistic, integral synthesis.
The result is a unique and beautiful gift that empowers you to harvest the most important insights, practices and perspectives of shamanism — and integrate them with modern psychological and spiritual teachings that contribute to the birth of the divine human in you.
If you want to go deeper into the essential spiritual wisdom held within indigenous shamanic traditions but are unable to spend months in remote rain forests or on mountain tops, this virtual training is your best opportunity to apprentice with a powerful spiritual guide.
You will be exposed to powerful Peruvian Pachakuti practices designed for spiritual evolution and healing. These practices will help deepen your enjoyment of every moment, and access higher and lower realms for guidance and healing.
Taught within the larger context of Universal Shamanism, these practices reveal key threads of awakening, healing and wholeness that come to us from around the world.
You will connect with the “medicine” of particular Peruvian animals — from the hummingbird to the condor — and come to recognize humanity’s intricate, mystical relationship with the natural world. Universal Shamans develop this ability to learn from and observe the wisdom within animals so that they can access deeper gifts.
By the end of the program, your identity as a Universal Shaman will be activated in a way that leads to shifts toward greater wholeness, wisdom and sacred depth. You will be more connected with the “sacred hoop” of all of life.
What You’ll Discover in This Program
Each teaching, practice and training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to engage universal shamanic teachings with clarity, rigor and transformative power.
Our intention is that you’ll emerge with:
- A deeper understanding of what a “shamanic vocation” is, and how it relates to your healing path.
- Tools that focus on providing the basics of sustenance in your life, from healthy lifestyle to energetic support.
- A more holistic vision of world shamanic traditions, understanding the role of initiation, illness and crisis in the ritualized path of rebirth.
- Powerful methods of divination that you can use for guidance in times of uncertainty and unclarity.
- Specific practices for protection of you and your loved ones.
- Greater access to your imagination.
- Skills to protect yourself and loved ones from negative influences.
- Shamanic practices that help you purify your body, mind and soul — allowing you to become a more luminous reflection of your divine identity.
- Freedom from old stories of victimhood, and an enhanced ability to see why you “volunteered” for some of the most challenging times in your life.
- Healing practices that guide you into the “lower worlds,” for accessing deeper realms of being and archetypal realms of shadow.
- Skills that allow you to access reserves of strength and power to meet life’s challenges.
- Expanded capacity to access non-ordinary realms of consciousness.
- Enhanced ability to live from reverence and peace.
- A more open, expanded and generous heart.
- Powerful understandings for how to use ritual practices for healing and transformation.
- Ability to access higher guidance for your life.
- Deeper relationship with the entire “sacred hoop” of life.
Module 1: Wiñay Nuna
as Vocation
During this first session — bonded in healing vision, harmonized by the shared intention to serve, and empowered through our yearning to walk The Path of a Universal Shaman — you, don Oscar and the global community will plant a divine seed of reverence and conscious evolutionary presence within the body of our beloved Earth Mother, Pachamama.
Wisdom Transmissions:
- An overview of historical and mythological roots of indigenous Peruvian healing practices and their relevance to the Path of the Universal Shaman
- A review of the cosmovision and ritual configuration of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition (PMT) shamanic altar ground as a sacred mirror of Self, nature and culture
Guided Process:
- The Seven Winds of Creation — a shamanic invocation for the deepening of soul consciousness in our lives
though few put it to use.
– Plotinus
Module 2: Wichaypi Samaypaq
In this module, you will learn to access the unlimited creativity and sacred dreaming of your human imagination — so that your spirit soars like Condor and Eagle, awakened in vision to the blessings of Great Spirit. Inspired by the shamanic mastery of bygone eras, when the gods and humans walked hand-in-hand sanctifying our Earth, you will learn how to make your heavenly dreams a consecrated reality in your life. You will learn to honor THE ABOVE as a Fount of Inspiration, so that celestial realms open to indigenous peoples shall become entrusted to you as an initiate of the Great Work.
Wisdom Transmissions:
- Apprenticeship in the cosmic energies known as K’anchay, Sami and Kawsay comprising the shamanic universe of ancestral Heart Island (South America) peoples
- Guidance on selection, empowerment and ceremonial integration of an Arte Maestra (Master Shamanic Medicine Embodiment piece) within the North area of your Pachakuti Mesa altar ground
- The Power of Word: mentorship in the sacred arts of summoning, conjuring, evocation, invocation and decree for the benevolent spiritual intercession from Unseen Realms
- The delivery of K’anchay (Light Energy) for spiritual harmonization and expansion of your Luminous Body
Advanced Shamanic Tool:
- The use of Ensueño (Magical Flight), for extending your consciousness beyond the boundaries of time/space, applied to absentee healing
– don Oscar
Module 3: Uraypi Mihuchiypaq
By courageously embracing the often shadowy labyrinthine inner regions of your soul, you will receive the profoundly transformational medicine of Boa and Anaconda, revered shamanic allies who will teach you to shed outmoded beliefs and behavior. In releasing the thin skin covering of your wounds and allowing the dismemberment of past betrayals to be received back into the womb of Mother Nature, you will emerge as a Vessel of Sustenance from THE BELOW, offering living nurturance to the Great Sacred Hoop of Life.
Wisdom Transmissions:
- By exploring the similarity between shamanic initiation and the process of alchemical transmutation, you are able to emerge from the narrow shell of your personal ego, transcending the illusory finitude of an encapsulated self — freeing yourself from the pull of greed and the push of fear
- Guidance on selection, empowerment and ceremonial integration of a Purun Illa (Ancestral Wisdom Embodiment piece) within the South area your Pachakuti Mesa altar ground
- Mastering Ukhupacha (Interior/Lower World) journeywork for determining the source of dis-ease and/or imbalance in one’s life
- The delivery of Kawsay (Vital Life Force) for bodily/physical harmonization and balanced expression in the world
Advanced Shamanic Tool:
- The Pachamama Renewal Process — a core PMT practice for establishing conscious relationship with the elemental sentience of Earth (Allpa), Water (Unu), Air (Wayra), Fire (Nina) and Aether (Qosqo-Nuna Kallpa)
What you bring forth will save you.
If you don’t bring forth what is within you,
What you don’t bring forth will destroy you.
– Gospel of St. Thomas
Module 4: Qhepapi Amachaqepaq
- Harnessing the luminous logos of galactic, planetary and internal solar effluences — applied to the bio-psychic transformation of fear and mistrust present in human-kind
- Guidance on selection, empowerment and ceremonial integration of a Noqani Enqa (I AM Embodiment piece), within the Southeast quadrant of your Pachakuti Mesa altar ground
- Apprenticeship in the ritual use of salt and sulfur for protection from lower astral influences brought about through extended periods of worry, fear and discord in one’s life, and resulting in the accumulation of Hucha (Vibrational Density)
- The ceremonial art of Hucha Mikhuy: an energetic “digesting” and “excreting” of vibrational density related to magical fright, evil eye and other forms of severe stress
Advanced Shamanic Tool:
- The gathering and preparation of ingredients for the creating a Resguardo — a protective talisman for one’s personal wear or to give another for immunity against ill fortune
is only a reflection of the sense of despair
which comes from loss of faith.
– Franz Kafka
Module 5: Chinpapi Pusaypaq
In this module, you will learn to gaze trustingly into the great Unknown, arching forward with curious abandon and childlike surprise for what is yet to come. Learn to observe the world with patience and precision, distinguishing between that you can correct and that which you cannot. Beckoned by the serendipitous flight of Siwar Q’enti (Royal Hummingbird) you will align yourself to higher and deeper levels of being, and thereby, become part of them — accessing the Cresset of Guidance awaiting in THE BEFORE.
In the unfolding journey of your desired future, you will learn to seek guidance from the Original Instructions received by our Turtle Island (North America) brothers and sisters. With each breath and heartbeat you will learn how to enter the true line of tradition, and awaken the shared beauty walk founded upon the infallible wisdom that “If it is not good for everyone, it is not good,” — which is our Seven Generation legacy.
Wisdom Transmissions:
- Overview of the five most respected skills associated with the practice of contemporary Peruvian curanderismo: Curación, Viaje con Sombra, Rastreo, Ajuste and Florecimiento
- Guidance on selection, empowerment and ceremonial integration a Siwar Q’enti Khuye (Royal Hummingbird Embodiment piece) within the North area of your Pachakuti Mesa altar ground
- Activating and expanding your Poqpo (Pranic Energy Bubble) into the surrounding environment as a merging in vitality with our Earth’s biosphere
- Mastery of Hampicamayoq breathwork for establishing sympathetic resonance with Upper, Middle and Lower shamanic worlds
Advanced Shamanic Tool:
- The Art of Capnomancy for divining past causes, present options and future expectations based on reading the directional flow of incense smoke placed in a container within our Pachakuti Mesa altar ground
– Werner Heisenberg
Module 6: Lloqe Ch’uyanchaypaq
There is nothing literally and metaphorically more purifying than clear, crystalline, unadulterated water born from the glacial streams, flowing from ancestrally venerated mountain tops, gathered from subterranean aquifers and untouched by the light of day. All ritual arts of purification also serve as baptism — a rebirth and renewal — a fresh discovery of Self in relationship to the vast ocean of our surrounding world. In this module, taking the lead from the primal aquatic dance of Dolphin and Whale, which purifies our human senses, you will learn to transform the toxicity of your past through the Crucible of Purification in THE LEFT.
Wisdom Transmissions:
- An exploration of how ritualized Confessionals have been used by shamanic peoples world-wide in the sustenance of personal integrity and healthy social cohesion
- Guidance on selection, empowerment and ceremonial integration of a Killa Rumi (Lunar Consciousness Embodiment piece) within the West area of your Pachakuti Mesa altar ground
- Engaging the transformational medicine of Mama Killa (Mother Moon) for the peaceful release of constricted behavioral patterns
- Training in the Objective Other Dialogue Process to reclaim one’s power in the removal of any “attaching entities” and/or unwanted presences experienced within one’s bioenergetic field
Advanced Shamanic Tool:
- The sacramental use of aromatic waters, feathers, staffs and tobacco/sage for clearing mental blockages, states of emotional constriction and fear-based body armoring
– Paracelsus
Module 7: Paña Kallpapaq
As we further welcome the universality of shamanism as an evolutionary gift to humankind, we simultaneously acknowledge the primacy of consciousness behind the phenomenal world. All learning is a constant process of becoming, and all knowledge an ongoing state of being — that when brought into sacred partnership — allows your experience of healing to be revealed as a dynamic restoration of harmony and balance in life. This is the medicine way of Puma and Jaguar, tutelary animal custodians that embody the life-affirming blessings of Taita Inti (Father Sun), whose befriending honors the Scepter of Power bestowed from THE RIGHT.
Wisdom Transmissions:
- Introduction to the ethnospiritual worldview — which has informed the pre-Inka, Inka and contemporary mestizo healing traditions of Kamasaqa Curanderismo
- Guidance on selection, empowerment and ceremonial integration of a Inti Rumi (Solar Consciousness Embodiment piece) within the East area of your Pachakuti Mesa altar ground
- Instruction in the ceremonial creation of a pendulum based on activation of higher mental functioning applied to PMT shamanic diagnosis and treatment of body, heart, spirit, mind and soul imbalances
- The use of sacred sound-makers for harmonized restoration of physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological conditions of being
Advanced Shamanic Tool:
- Cloud Busting — a key practice in shamanic psychokinesis
maketh retch or happy, rich or poor.
– Edmund Spenser
Module 8: Ukhupi Yuyariypaq
As Universal Shamans initiated into the soul-infused cosmovision of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, you will learn to walk a beauty path of teaching love by the way you live. Serving the great web of life you embody the nobility of the Llama and Alpaca. Such is your medicine, the fertile garden where the progression of your soul is in blossom, where the light from Above is received without shadow upon the Below.
Your Story becomes about trusting soul; your Journey about honoring spirit; your Truth about opening heart; your Power about transforming mind; your Service about healing body; your Legacy about awakening belongingness; our Destiny about evolving presence. These Seven Pillars of perennial wisdom can now find exquisite expression as the mystical Sacred Cube, the Altar of our Re-Membering and universal revelation of THE WITHIN.
Wisdom Transmissions:
- Mastering the five C’s of Ceremony used in Pachakuti Mesa Tradition cross-cultural shamanism
- Advanced guidance on the multiple uses of a Misarumi as an Axis Mundi (hyperspace portal, Center Pole, etc.), as passageway between all three shamanic worlds
- Embodying sacred reciprocity (Ayni) as the “law of right returns” and balanced dualism behind all shamanic ritual practice
- Using one’s Misarumi (PMT Center piece) as a means of transmitting our Universal Shaman lineage to open-hearted trusted others
Advanced Shamanic Tool:
- The creation of a Curandero’s Ofrenda (Shamanic Give-Away) — an unconditional offering of a love-infused medicine gift for the world
– Paulo Soleri
Module 9: Kutipuysapa
This final module is an interactive overview of shamanic tools apprenticed, which will allow don Oscar to provide more intimate personal guidance on their use in your daily life. Sessions shall include selected readings offered by don Oscar, a pre-recorded question and answer session focused on enhancing mastery of course material, possible medicine songs (known as curandero tarjos) and/or guided visualization processes to foster experiential integration of shamanic knowledge covered.
Universal Shaman.
– don Oscar
The Path of the Universal Shaman Advanced Intensive Bonus Collection
In addition to don Oscar’s transformative online training, you’ll also receive these powerful training sessions and bonus materials. These bonuses are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the Advanced Intensive — and take your understanding and transformation to an even deeper level.
The Role of Shamanism in Shifting Our World
Audio Dialogue with John Perkins and don Oscar Miro-Quesada. Hosted by Stephen Dinan
In this special session, hosted by Shift Network founder and CEO Stephen Dinan, don Oscar is joined by bestselling author, teacher and shamanic practitioner John Perkins to discuss how Shamanism can support the evolutionary shifting of our world. Drawing on their decades of experience as students of shamans around the world and as teachers, John and don Oscar will illuminate the power of shamanic consciousness to not only transform your own life but impact the entire world.
John Perkins has lived four lives: as an economic hit man (EHM); as the CEO of a successful alternative energy company, who was rewarded for not disclosing his EHM past; as an expert on indigenous cultures and shamanism, a teacher and writer who used this expertise to promote ecology and sustainability while continuing to honor his vow of silence about his life as an EHM; and as a writer who, in telling the real-life story about his extraordinary dealings as an EHM, has exposed the world of international intrigue and corruption that is turning the American republic into a global empire despised by increasing numbers of people around the planet.
Peruvian Shamanism: Creating a Curandero’s Mesa — 15-Album Downloadable Package ($125 value)
With don Oscar Miro-Quesada
In this package, recorded live at The Omega Institute and featuring over 15 hours of teachings, don Oscar Miro-Quesada illuminates the powerful role and practice of the Peruvian Curandero’s mesa.
This altar-like arrangement of sacred items and symbolic power objects is ceremonially used to awaken deep states of individual and collective healing. Through the ritual of the mesa combined with breathwork, chanting, body posture and spirit journeys, the Curandero weaves together a unique experiential tapestry that bridges our human and divine natures.
This workshop explores cultural specific diagnostic procedures and healing techniques based on the disciplined use of our imaginative faculties through divination, soul-retrieval, shape shifting and animal ally embodiment.
Blood of the Condor Video
Origins and Practice of Northern Peruvian Shamanism
In this fascinating documentary-style video, Italian historian, anthropologist, archaeologist and ethnographer Dr. Mario Polia brings you an up-close look at the practices of Northern Peruvian shamans. The shaman and his people’s deep connection to the land, the healing power of plants as well as the importance of the wisdom of the ancestors and ritual are all revealed. This is an opportunity to see firsthand how that which is held sacred throughout the ages – and with clear intention – maintains its power to heal.
Here’s What You’ll Receive
25 Recorded Class Sessions with don Oscar Miro-Quesada
Experience a rare opportunity learn from a renowned Peruvian curandero, psychologist and author — from the comfort of your own home. Each 90-minute class session helps you create the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential. Every third class includes a video teaching.
25 PDF Transcripts of
Class Sessions
In addition to the high quality MP3 audios and videos, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. This way you can review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices that you’ll learn.
Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
After each lesson, you will then have the option to do related exercises and answer questions in order to accelerate your learning.
The Path of the Universal Shaman Advanced Intensive Bonus Collection
- The Role of Shamanism in Shifting Our World
Audio Dialogue with John Perkins and don Oscar Miro-Quesada. Hosted by Stephen Dinan
- Peruvian Shamanism: Creating a
Curandero’s Mesa
15-Album Downloadable Package ($125 value)
With don Oscar Miro-Quesada
- Blood of the Condor Video
Origins and Practice of Northern Peruvian Shamanism
Get immediately download don Oscar Miro-Quesada – Path of the Universal Shaman Advanced Intensive
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Learn the Hidden Wisdom of Universal Shamanism
We feel honored that don Oscar Miro-Quesada has chosen to partner with The Shift Network on this exclusive online training. As you may know, this is a rare opportunity to learn directly from a skilled and masterful shaman.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars). You’ll also be able to benefit from don Oscar and his guest’s incredible teachings and practices, from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!
If you’re serious about learning how to access the sacred, healing dimensions of life and awaken your heart, expand your mind and savor the divinity within all things, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones — and our world — to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to open your heart and mind — and walk a path of reverence — click the register button below to reserve your space now.
About don Oscar Miro-Quesada
don Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo is a respected kamasqa curandero and altomisayoq adept from Peru, visionary founder of The Heart of the Healer (THOTH) (www.heartofthehealer.org), originator of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition cross-cultural shamanism, and co-author (with Bonnie Glass-Coffin, Ph.D.) of Lessons in Courage: Peruvian Shamanic Wisdom for Everyday Life.
An internationally acclaimed shamanic teacher, healer and Earth-honoring ritualist, don Oscar is also OAS Fellow in Ethnopsychology, UN Invited Observer to the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, and Member of the Birth 2012 Welcoming Committee and the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, convened respectively by Barbara Marx Hubbard and Deepak Chopra. He has been guiding ethnospiritual apprenticeship expeditions to sacred sites of the world since 1986, with special emphasis on Peru and Bolivia. He is a popular faculty member at The Shift Network and educational centers in the USA and abroad, dedicating his life to the revitalization of aboriginal wisdom traditions as a means of restoring sacred trust between humankind and the natural world.
A seasoned navigator of non-ordinary states of consciousness, don Oscar is well prepared to help people from all walks of life access realms of being where multidimensional powers and forces are available for healing self, others and our beloved Mother Earth as a whole. His work and shamanic training programs have been featured on CNN, Univision, A&E, the Discovery Channel and The History Channel’s Ancient Aliens.
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 74
- Assessments Yes