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(This course can be delivered immediately.) I am just writing to you to get your feedback on the ‘yes you could’ program. My life This program caused some changes in my life. Format File [ Webrip – 18 MP3 ] File Size: 2.412GB
Gaylene Popovski ( Dynamic Empowerment For Your life ) – Yes You Can Program
The Transformation Show Gaylene PopovskiSpecial Offer Yes You Can!
Live on The Transformation Show @ 9am AEST, 9 March 2017.
U.S. & GMT time: March 8th at 5pm EDT / 4pm CDT / 2pm PDT/ 10pm GMT
3:30am IST (Indian Standard Time), 9 March 2017
Real Life Changes in Real-Life Situations
This is for everyone!
Yes You Can!
This program aims to give you a sense of Adventure. Your life.
Here is Your Chance to Start Now
(Series 1 of 3, for continued support)
The “too hard” Basket doesn’t have to exist ever again.
Below, find out what the MP3’s do… Be prepared for some surprises and new insights
You You will be shocked to see the emotions you have felt for so many years, but never expressed in words
Enjoy the freedom to be who you are
(Warning: Brainwave entrainment should be avoided if you are susceptible to seizures or fits).
YouListening to the music will bring you a sense of Enlivenment. “Yes You Can!” MP3’s.
Utilizing brainwave entrainment with a specific sequence of tracks and 6 layers of energy healing & deleting with music added – to create astounding results:
Lifelong patterns of abuse
Severe Psychic Attack
Entrapments from Authorities’ who can override Your There are many choices
The Curse Effect: Those who believe they own the Curse You
Effects you’ve been trying to get rid of for years but didn’t know how the energy structure created by other’s unseen intentions/decisions was keeping you in.
You have bad feelings about yourself that you cannot get rid of. This could be because you did not know your friends, family, partners, or other people could be creating them.
Increased awareness and insight
Being strong in your body
Solutions are naturally found when stress and blocks melt
Feeling alive and in control life
Listen to one track from a specific bwe that includes 6 layers of energy healing music and energy healing.
For uninterrupted play while you are doing other activities, or sleeping, silent MP3s can be looped in the background.
It will give you the feeling of the most powerful session that you could ever have.
You Do not lose your power again
You Do not try to reasoneer, think about, or deal effectively with others.
This is done in the brainwave entrainment and the deleting and healing.
Download immediately Gaylene Popovski ( Dynamic Empowerment For Your life ) – Yes You Can Program
The bwe assists the brain in moving through the states, not getting stuck in them.
Your true identity will return naturally as your brain integrates with the bew, healing, deleting, and uplifting music.
Bully’s effects, including psychic attacks and/or jealousy, are sent back at the sender.
Forgiveness is not something you should struggle with.
GayleneThis is her most recent work yet! Her program and recording pack such an amazing POW!
They will get you to where you need to go.
GayleneThe most recent work by’s allows for you to be your best self naturally and effortlessly.
I would highly recommend GayleneThis is the latest and greatest work.
Rhonda Zabinsky, Award-Award-winning filmmaker and author “Lucky Me, Lucky You” How to improve your luck life
Hi There Gaylene,
I am writing to give feedback on your yes you can’ program. My life This program has made a significant impact on my life. After the first one,’shutdown’ to lifeI awoke to find the veils had lifted when I awoke next morning. I felt like I’ve been asleep for so long. The light was brighter, the sounds were clearer, the smells were better, and all sensations were joyful. I was thrilled and called Rose immediately to tell her. Since then I’ve continued all of the program, some a couple of times. I can identify emotional games immediately because my intuition is so high. I’ve been offered jobs. My coworkers allowed me to join the fold. I began to date and met wonderful men. I had my first sex in over a year. I’m making, and keeping, money. I discovered that even though it’s not my usual job, it brings me joy. life. I’ve had contact from people from years ago saying sorry and inviting me back into the fold with open and heartfelt communication. I began exercising again. I am happy to live. I don’t want to run away. I feel secure and safe living without fear. I stand up for my rights and speak my mind without exception. All problems pass with grace and ease. There are many more. GayleneThank You You Thank you for your love and expertise in this program and bringing it to the world. This is amazing and groundbreaking stuff. I’m so grateful. With heartfelt gratitude…
Maryann, Australia
Gaylene Popovski’s work and new package are amazing!!I began working with Gaylene after the death of my father last August and continued working with her throughout my mother’s illness and death in February this year and the subsequent trials and tribulations of all things family, estates and wills. I could easily fallen into a black hole, especially with the additional challenges of maintaining my household with my husband and three children. I am grateful for her incredible and powerful abilities in the field of energy. Her insight and expertise are pure art. I am very grateful for her talents and knowledge. The mp3s in the new package are easy-to-use and relaxing. I just have to listen to them, and I feel instantly better. I feel like a whole new world is opening up to me and my family. It has completely changed my future trajectory. I am so thankful for the amazing results I am seeing, feeling, and experiencing. GayleneThe simple but powerful work of’s is an education that I will continue to have for the rest my life. life. Gaylene Her mp3s are amazing!!
Lisa Katherine
Each MP3 is equivalent in power to a powerful session (even greater due to layers of deleting and healing as well as changes of frequency with bwe or music). Every play will bring about profound change.
I just returned from a week in the Bahamas. “vacation” I was accompanied by a brother and his family. It was a difficult experience because my brother lives in the same dark vibration as me. life in. My intuitive self informed me the second day that everything he says is a lie. He was living in a lie. “hell on earth” It also reminded of how far I have come.
I want to express my gratitude for the clearing that your mp’s provided for me while I was visiting my brother. I listened to each of them once a day and I moved through situations and confrontations that in the past would have had me terrorized as he carries much of my father’s energy. I never gave up! The best part was being politely declined by my sister an invitation to spend an entire day with her. This was a true miracle to me. My sister has asked me to be her entire entourage life As you might recall, I am now completely free from her servitude. Thank you so much! I look forward your fall classes!
Iris Blake
Download immediately Gaylene Popovski ( Dynamic Empowerment For Your life ) – Yes You Can Program
A lot of stuff has come up to clear as a result of the mp3s. My awareness & perception of what is coming up is so much sharper – I can really discern the deep patterns that have been repeating probably for lifetimes. I’m forming a really clear picture of the deepest one that has been driving every aspect of my life. I guess I’ve always known about it on some level but this work has made me ready to fully recognize, acknowledge it & be ready to finally delete all aspects of it.
As a result I feel so much more at peace in all ways I am so grateful that I have found you & your work it’s such a trip! For It is the first time that I feel like I am seeing visible results in my body. life. My work & my business are slowly gaining momentum. I’m making plans & am actually beginning to see them through. That’s a big breakthrough for me. THANK YOU!!
Jodi in Hawaii
If you feel that something is ‘on’ in your body, you know this is the right time to get rid of it. Gaylene can help you. Gaylene It saved me life (from suicide) and has helped me save my soul. 16 consecutive lifetimes of sexual abuse, so much entities, layers and levels of destruction, trauma, and misinformation. Gaylene This has helped me get over this hurdle and we are continuing to do so.
I listen carefully to her Yes You Can! Chakra mp3s, as they continue to strip away. Rip away. Strip away. Then, insights reveal themselves for the next layer. I believe even Gaylene This journey has been a shock to her, but her brilliance is amazing and she is guiding me through.
Female or male, if you’re serious about a mission, she will be there for your needs.
(2 months later)
We did it! We got through it. I am now able take my place in Creation. It’s a miracle.
Learning how to delete was a huge breakthrough. The ability to transmute energies with neutrality (or unconditional Love) changed everything.
Too anxious to start MP3
Explanation. Terror/fear that you will be successful is a result of past experiences with hate, jealousy, or other forms of abuse. These feelings were experienced at a time in your life when you couldn’t support yourself. Now when you try to move forward, these old feelings are triggered.
Causing: Fear of being humiliated or despised, a need for safety, creating at times an childish demeanor to protect yourself from others, feeling worthless, unable to settle to start anything, distraction with food, or a call to friends, having experiences that make you question your abilities. “Why is this happening to me?” This is called camouflaging. “This can’t be happening to me”Feelings of anxiety, feeling inability to find solutions, thinking “I just can’t do it”Feelings of sadness, despair, and a sense that you are losing hope in your ability to achieve your goals. Anger, rage or fury can all be a result of not feeling able to live your dreams.
This MP3 will help you to clear the above and allow you to enjoy achieving your dream and knowledge. “Yes you can do it!” (Please use the other MP3s in this set to create more change.
Shutdown to Live MP3
Explanation: Feeling like you don’t belong because of past abuses. This could have been something like being afraid for your life. life Or one that slowly ate away your self-esteem (for example a jealous sibling) and you didn’t see it happening at first then when you did and tried to change it the abuser began to use terror to dominate – you quite possibly feared for your life (real or imagined). There is shame, humiliation, terror, guilt, weakness, anger, rage, so many suppressed emotions and the abuser uses these to control you – you become convinced that it is your fault, that you are bad or made him/her do it. This can be so deep stored because you don’t have anyone to talk to and feel ashamed that it happened to you.
Causing: Extreme exhaustion and lack of joy. life is empty, that you have died on the inside and even though you cry for help on the inside – nobody hears – then it feels that no one can help you or would believe you or even cares, blanking out/falling asleep suddenly for no reason, feeling undefined in your body or sense of self, feeling old and useless, blaming yourself as you think you let it happen because you are weak – which is so far from the truth.
This MP3 will allow you to feel secure in being yourself. It will also help you to feel more empowered and to be more aware of the various games that people play. It will enable you to achieve success and wealth. You They have changed and that cannot be repeated.
Big Time Stuck MP3
Explanation. Negative and resentful attitudes result from being told that you are not good enough, and being criticized in many different ways by many people and experiences.
Self-expression: Causing-Punishment, being cynical to accept change, and self-Self-absorption-Blame, determination not to let anyone make you unhappy; dislike of yourself, having a ferocious kind of state to keep other people away; stuck in refusing change and self-sabotage – the pattern that others created for you. It can also make you feel like you are missing out on your opportunities. life.
This MP3 will help to clear and allow you the freedom to be yourself and feel the joy of not being restricted.
Life is Too Many MP3
Explanation: Due to being around people who never allowed you to be happy as you were growing up – your own magical ability to create and naturally manifest got buried – even the fun of Fairies, Santa and Easter Bunny was taken away from you and life was about people finding any excuse to criticize, put you down, blame you for any upset they felt and they also seemed to take pleasure in tripping you up… the physical world became too solid and more of a hardship and a struggle to try and be what everyone imposed on you.
Causing: Never realizing that this was yours life and you are the authority in it – never knowing you are powerful and have you own your creative and manifesting abilities to use for yourself. It creates a feeling unworthiness. You It can make you feel that nobody really cares. It makes it difficult to live with the thought of losing someone you love. life To be over.
This MP3 will aid in the healing and deletion and allow you the freedom to feel your senses of adventure and being alive.
MP3 Abuse
Explanation : Lack of self-esteem-You can be held responsible for any verbal, physical or mental abuse you have suffered.
Causing: Feelings of failure – “I always get it wrong”Feeling worthless and unworthy “Who cares anyway?” – feeling that you are not allowed to be yourself, that you are inferior, something is wrong with you, that being yourself is bad, despising yourself, not wanting to be yourself, feelings of unworthiness, feeling your life It is over.
This MP3 will help you to clear the above so that you can live in freedom and safety, and enjoy your life. life.
Feeling Left Out MP3
Explanation: This is referring to a tactic used to keep someone out of the group or from feeling accepted and/or successful and is used by a sociopath type of personality/a jealous person/abusive authority/even possibly a jealous sibling or partner – the intention may be unseen but will be felt – the effect on the intended victim is real and debilitating for many reasons. This technique is used in all areas – playgrounds, homes as well workplaces, socially, and in relationships. The bullying never stopped in the playground – it just got more covert!
Causing: Feeling strange, like something is wrong, feeling fearful, as if someone is about to attack you.
This MP3 will assist in clearing all of the above – the shock, upset, feeling something is wrong with you, feeling you are about to get into trouble, feeling unsafe, feeling odd, loss of confidence, feeling anxious and uncertain, unable to speak up and more.
Delete the Effects of Curses MP3
Explanation: This is caused by having people decide they own you – partners, employers, cults, families or its members… and it can have a devastating effect on all areas of your life. When people decide they own you, initially you may misinterpret it as caring – giving you an initial sense of “specialness”You are loved by someone. Slowly you life is taken over by the control of another – and you may have knowingly or unknowingly agreed. You begin to feel their anger slowly and you feel a responsibility for keeping them happy, even though they are trying to control and take your anger away. life. You You don’t realize how much control they have over you. They restrict your movements and make you more dependent on them. Fear their disapproval and you lose your independence. You can be completely under their control but still insist you are independent and may even hide what they are doing or defend them… not understanding you have become a victim.
Causing: You To feel unhappy, trapped, unsuccessful, insane or crazy, to be miserable, feel trapped, feel useless, inadequate, frustrated, crazy, over-emotional, too afraid and fearful to be independent and successful but don’t remember why, when or how it happened, feeling like you have no definition of self, difficult to feel and be consistent in behavior and feeling good. It’s a roller coaster ride of feeling happy or sad, trying so many things and not getting any results. You are guided by the thoughts of the controller and are able to sense their thoughts. You can become nervous in your work and make mistakes as a result – and start to identify yourself as clumsy. Your nervous system is weakened and you live feeling anxious for no apparent reason – but there is – you feel a silent threat keeping you in being a victim and you feel you have no one there to help you.
Download immediately Gaylene Popovski ( Dynamic Empowerment For Your life ) – Yes You Can Program
This MP3 and all of the other MP3’s (as there is so many techniques employed with this one) will assist to bring you safely back to you.
Not feeling successful/not on the right path Your Path MP3
Explanation: This happens when you are criticized, put down, and punished repeatedly. This eventually breaks you down, and eventually, you agree with what is being said, and you choose a life that is controlled by the impact of this experience – whether it is to over- achieve or under- achieve it is based not on believing but feeling you know the putdowns to be true – which makes it challenging to feel successful and that you are living on your path.
Causing: Fear or humiliation, fear of punishment, humiliation, the putting downs, an accord by and maybe even a class if it was in family or classroom settings, crying out for help inside, the “just not being able to get to it” – when it is for your dream, giving away of energy to others as you are unaware of your agreement to being less so you will at times be putting energy into making others’ lives successful – instead of you own – and also try to take power from others as your anger and frustration is controlling you in the background.
This MP3 will help you get rid of all the above, allowing you to live on your own path.
Feeling Kept Down MP3
Explanation: It feels like it is someone keeping you down – you can just feel it – a huge block that nobody is letting you in, they are against me – this comes from the impact of others and our having had enough of the incongruences of the behaviors, indoctrinations, misinformation, stupidity, hypocritical treatment and more from our experiences and people around us throughout our life.
Causing: This causes a major chip on your shoulder, refusal to listen, stuck in negativity being a huge amount of resentment, self sabotage, rage and fury – and a huge block is created that stops you from enjoying and/or creating success. “They owe me”, “they did it to me so I can do it too”,” I can get away with anything”, “nobody can make me”,” leave me alone” etc.
This MP3 helps to clear the following: exhaustion, feeling too big and feeling like you’re dying; the inner sabotage effect; traumas from the past.
To ensure that you can achieve the maximum amount of safe change, I have added six layers of energy work to each of the 8 MP3’s.
Layer 1
Eliminate the Bullying Effects
This program addresses bullying issues and returns energy to the sender in neutral.
Layer 2
Chakra Clearing & Alignment
Clears negative emotions/upsets from 12 aspects of our lives – and makes it easier to let go.
Layer 3
Chakra Healing Energy
Sends healing energy to the 12 parts of yourself to help in clearing unseemed effects from others on an energy level (intention).
Layer 4
Body Strengthening
This strengthens every organ system and structure in your body, so you can feel its esteem as well as release it.
Layer 5
Healing Energy
It is the equivalent of a full-body healing therapy to calm and support your body to feel safe, secure, and assured.
Layer 6
Each MP3 can be deleted or aligned.
It helps you feel empowered and in control of your power.
Layer 7
The bwe offers a variety of tracks per MP3 that can be used to create a flow of specific bwe songs
Allows you to release the various effects of upset that may arise in relation to the issue. This allows the old feelings and attitudes to flow instead of being stuck.
Layer 8
Each track has music
It allows the heart to connect, feeling uplifted.
The multiple layers in each track allow you to feel the extreme support that is needed to create the optimal change you desire – safely, effectively, and quickly – for issues so covered, unknown, or so abandoned. “hard basket”.
Here’s what you need to know You’ll Get in Gaylene Popovski ( Dynamic Empowerment For Your life ) – Yes You Can Program
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes