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— Boss Hub
“ I’m very satisfied and happy I cant say from word. I’m a student of Burt Goldman. in 2011 I used his meditation program which I bought from today. at that time as an app. but after a few months, I lost app data. and. looking through a very long time
thankyou thankyou thankyou so much.
I appreciate work. once again I can’t say from word thankyou so much. ”

— Kathleen D.
“ If you find a brainlearn’s course of interest, I highly recommend it. I’ve taken three courses so far and have been very satisfied with the instructors, course homepages, having access to transcripts/videos indefinitely and the technical support staff. Extremely enlightening and professionally done. Bravo! ”

— Allyson
“ Sharing my intense gratitude for the course I decided to take through you with Gregg Braden. Over and over again, I find myself sort of broken open directly to humbling gratitude — my heart is laid bare in the most beautiful way that there is a new level of astonishment!. Thank you. ”

— Joan Randolph
“ I am very grateful to for not only bringing Adrianna and her very precious wisdom to me, but for being so kind and thoughtful about the way you do it. I’m speaking for myself but I’m certain that many other attendees feel the same gratitude. Thank you from my whole heart.. ”

— Gladys Kravitz
“ Thank you for your recent conversation with Curtrice Goddard about race on this year’s EM Summit. This was the most inspiring talk I’ve ever heard on Helping to make energy medicine more available to communities of color has been on my mind as I think about shaping my own energy medicine practice. Thank you so much for all the beautiful work that you do! ”

— Dawn Schwarz
“ I want to express my deepest gratitude for the beautiful work you are doing. You are bringing so much light, calm and inspiration into our very souls. I have enjoyed several summits and explored areas I may not have considered before, and I am growing in such expansive ways. ”