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The strategies and modules taught inside the Zero To 100k program have been brutally tested and proven with every single existing and past student from all around the world.
Jack Prow – Zero To 100K
Have a question about joining?
Making a decision like this one might be a big thing for you and there may be other people involved like your partner, business partner or a family member. I completely understand so I have put together this page to answer our most frequently asked questions to help educate yourself and others.
The strategies and modules taught inside the Zero To 100k program have been brutally tested and proven with every single existing and past student from all around the world.
The Zero To 100k Program
We provide you with the EXACT proven systems and techniques you need to be successful
• Your Own Personalised Plan ($2,997)
• All 8 Modules + Bonuses ($1,997)
• Unlimited Traffic Hacks ($697)
• 6 Weeks Expert Mentoring ($2,497)
• Weekly Coaching Calls ($1,997)
• 1 Free Logo ($397)
• 4 Found For You Suppliers ($3,497)
• Written 4 You Ads & Templates ($2,997)
• Private Facebook Group Access ($997)
• My Tools & Resources Library ($597)
• Bonus #1: The Bedroom Brand ($997)
• Bonus #2: 6 Figure Shortcut ($497)
• Bonus #3: Hacking Secrets ($497)
1. “How Do I Know This Will Work For ME?”
Good question! The Zero To 100k program is not an MLM or a pyramid scheme, there is no recruiting or any push to sell my product to anyone outside…
The Zero To 100k program has been engineered to work with your current situation, background and specific set of skills up to this point. Everybody is different and business doesn’t work as a “One Size Fits All’ type of process. The program begins with deep diving into your own personal interest, skills and passions. We then look at different industries and markets and find who the big guys are and what products are selling like hot cakes. We use my proven processes for finding the “gap” where your talents and passions are going to be best utilised to start your own online business with a head start.
If you’re wondering if The Zero To 100k program will work for you, the answer is a very clear YES. You are also covered and protected with our 30 day money back guarantee. Simply try to program out and if you can’t make it work for you just ask us for a refund and we’ll happily cancel your account after the first 30 days- No love lost!
2. “Why Is It $997?”
If you think the Zero To 100k program is expensive then you’re probably thinking of this in terms of “training” or “information” and not in terms of what this will actually do for you and the rest of your life potentially.
You invest in the program because of the results it will get you, not for the information and videos inside of it. You might think $997 is too expensive for some “information”. BUT is $997 too expensive for your own successful business allowing you to live the rest of your life on your own terms?
A university degree costs roughly $19,000 a year and it takes 3-5 years to complete. And for what? A piece of paper and skills that were outdated 15+ years ago. PLUS there’s no guarantee you will get a job at all, and if you do find a job, you will no doubt be getting paid peanuts until you spend the next 5-10 years working your way up the ladder. Complete scam if you ask me.
The Zero To 100k program is a no fluff laser focused 6 week transformational program. We get straight down to business, start your own online business, bring in traffic and make sales fast! And unlike university, we offer a money back guarantee!
What you’re essentially paying for here is a shortcut. I tried to do it alone and it had cost me a bloody FORTUNE. I’ve spent over $50,000 on training, more than $200,000 on advertising, made 100’s of mistakes I didn’t need to make, left thousands of dollars on the table, given thousands away to outsource services only to get ripped off, burned myself working 18 hour days that I will never get back.
That’s the REAL COST of this information, thats what it cost me to get to where I am. The Zero To 100k program is your shortcut so you don’t need to go through that for yourself. $997 or that? You choose….
3. “Are There Any Hidden Costs”
With a lot of the online courses and program I have invested in myself there are always a ton of hidden costs and they try to up sell you on 20 different things once you get inside, “To unlock the next step, purchase access for $197”.
This is NOT the case in The Zero To 100k program.
When you invest in this program there is nothing else to buy! You don’t need anything else, I don’t even have anything else to sell you if I wanted to. Everything I know is inside this program.
This isn’t a half arse program, I put everything I’ve got into this program and I didn’t leave any stone unturned.
This program is EVERYTHING you need to start, grow, scale and profit from your own successful online business. I literally show you how to go from knowing nothing at all about an online business, marketing, finding suppliers etc. to the point where you have your very own successful online business with paying customers and profits. There’s no catch here, no hidden fees or costs and you get everything you need the moment you get inside.
4. “How Much Time Will The Program Take?”
This program is designed for efficiency and it’s as smooth as it could possibly get. I don’t want you to be stuck behind your computer or phone listening to my monotone voice all day – I want you to start your own online business, get customers and make money!
Everything in this program has been engineered to a step-by-step process with the end goal in mind – nothing else. There’s no filler, fluff or useless theory work, the program cuts through all of the bullshit and gives you the quickest and direct route, and we get you to start taking action the moment you enter the members area.
This program is designer to be completed over 6 weeks. You have life time access to the training for life and also any future updates so you can go back over everything as many times as you like. You can work as fast as you like and complete the whole 6 weeks in 5 days or you can go as slow as you like and complete the 6 weeks over 5 years – Totally up to you and you are free to do whatever you want on your own schedule and in your own time.
5. “What Do I Actually Get When I Join?”
A Proven System
I’ve flipped the unknown and confusing area of starting an online business into a precise formula and science. While I used a lot of guess work myself when I first started, I know only use proven and successful processes. We’re certain it’s going to make you a success. It’s not even up to chance. The only thing left up to chance is whether you will do it or not. We’ve got a proven process.
A Strong Community
It’s hard to make any big moves when you’re still surrounded by the same people pushing their same old fashioned values and opinions on to you. The Zero To 100k community has a tight group of new and existing entrepreneurs on the same path, so their dreams aren’t laughed at, but supported and achieved together.
Society gives sympathy to people who don’t win, and frown upon the winners. In our community we only celebrate winners, people who lose have to chose for themselves to become a winner and get results. Our community is there to ask questions and for advice to help encourage this.
You’re not an outsider in our community, you’re one of us.
Expert Guidance
It’s always better to ask for business advice from someone who is actually running a business. The big celebrity experts are generally way out of reach to most people. Experts cost a lot of money, I pay $2,400 a month to be in a private mastermind myself.
People who give really good business and marketing advice are expensive, and most of the time they are out of reach. However, I have set up a way you guys can have direct weekly access to me to personally ask any questions you have no matter what they are. I do this by holding weekly live Q&A calls inside our private Facebook group community.
6. “How Does The Money Back Guarantee Work?”
When you join the Zero To 100k program you are covered, safe and protected by our 30 day money back guarantee, Here’s how it works:
The Zero To 100k program shows you step-by-step how to start your own successful online business and get you paying customers. The program works, I have 100% confidence that it works and there is a track record to prove it. However…. If for some strange reason this doesn’t work for you and you do not get paying customers. We will cancel your account and you will be refunded in full.
The Zero To 100k program is results driven and if you can’t make it work we will cancel your account and refund you in full. Simple as that. There is absolutely no way you could lose out here by joining the program other than by not joining.
What are the conditions of the guarantee? Very simple: All I ask is that you actually take big action and give it a solid try! You must complete at least up to week 4 in order to qualify for a refund.
With respect to any purchase, you must request your money back within 30 days of the purchase. You may request your money back by emailing [email protected]. That email must contain information about the product you purchased, the date of the purchase, and the email and name associated with any such purchase. You must also demonstrate that you have attempted to implement the program without success. To meet this requirement, you must submit the work outlined below:
Requirement 1: Have your online store completed and live
Requirement 2: Must have at least 1 product available on your website for sale
Requirement 3: Your Facebook ads manager must be set up with at least 1 conversion campaign running to your website
Requirement 4: At least 1 live ad running to your website or product
Requirement 5: Facebook Analytics showing you have run your ads for 7 days or more to prove that you have tried. To request a refund you must have spent at least $35 on ads ($5/day for 7 days).
We also require you to do this within 30 days from the date of purchase. Those are the terms plain and simple and they are extremely fair. We are true to our obligations and can assure that your purchase is 100% risk free.
Upon determining that you are entitled to a refund pursuant to this policy, the Company will promptly issue an instruction to its payment processor to issue the refund. The Company does not control its payment processor and will not be able to expedite any refunds.
If you complete the steps above and qualify to receive a refund of any purchase through this money-back guarantee, you will still have access to all content as promised, you will only be removed from our private Facebook community.
7. “What Kind Of Support Do I Get In The Academy”
When inside the Zero To 100k program you get a LOAD of support every single step of the process.
Facebook Group Support: You get instant access to our private Facebook group for support 24/7. You can ask any question inside there anytime you like and myself or one of the other members will do their best to help your situation.
Coaching Call Support: Every week I hold a weekly live Q&A call. Each call runs for about 1-2 hours and you can show up and ask any questions you have live and either myself or the group will help you out
Email Support: On top of the Calls and Facebook support… Yu also get access to my full time customer support email. Simply contact via email at any time and we will respond to you within 24 hours
You get instant access to all support channels for life when you enroll today.
8. “Is There A Payment Plan To Make It More Affordable?”
Yes The Zero To 100k program can be paid by either 1x payment of $997.00 AUD or 4x monthly payments of $297. The payments of $297 are 30 days apart and you will pay $297 today, $297 in 1 month, $297 in 2 months and the last $297 in 3 months.
The program and level of support is the exact same whether you do 1x payment of $997 or 4x payments of $297. Nothing changes at all other than the payment term
9. “Jack Started His Own Online Business By Himself, Why Can’t I Do It Alone?”
Doing this program online is literally you downloading my brain. You get access to my mindset, the way I think, the way I structure things, tactics, tricks and everything I have experienced success from for myself.
The 1000’s of hours of thought and sacrifice this has taken to build would make a normal person want to throw up and I really don’t think there are many people capable of packaging this much knowledge on their own. They are no where near committed enough. Without a word of a lie the journey to acquire all of this has been the most brutal, painful, lonely and depressing experience I have ever put myself through.
That’s what i had to deal with to figure this shit out. The Zero To 100k program literally gives you the ability to take my knowledge and legally COPY it directly for yourself for just $997 and in 6 weeks time. You get the shortcut, you get the easy peasy path, it’s that or the journey I had to take which I mentioned above and it’s obvious which way is the smarter way to go.
If you want to spend 10’s of thousands, sacrifice everything you love and have to work 18 hour days 7 days a week for the next 2-3 years of your life just to save $997 then by all means go for it, but if you do pursue that path with this type of option on the table you truly are an idiot. This is the shortcut, the proven path, this is the map This is the way to get success without taking on all of the failure and waste that I suffered and put myself through. This is your time right now to stop being a wussy and to step up and take action nd build the life of your dreams. Let’s get you inside the Zero To 100k program and let’s start working together RIGHT NOW!
Click the green button below and I’ll see you inside the members portal and Facebook group within the next 5 minutes.
It’s time to COMMIT! And let’s do this together!
Get Download Ben Settle – Copy Troll Right Now!
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level All levels
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes